Non Cash Compensation Overview & Examples What are Non Monetary Incentives?

 In Bookkeeping

What is non-monetary reward? definition and meaning

So instead of thinking about cost, think instead of how to use what reward budget you have to build velocity and increase the impact of social and peer-to-peer recognition that is free. Start by laying a strong foundation by encouraging people to recognize the good in the business on a daily basis, and use reward to focus in on the great. Traditionally, rewards with a monetary value have been used to let an employee know that their contribution has made an impact on the purpose/mission of the business? Encouraging people to acknowledge and record daily stories of progress, success and values being demonstrated builds awareness and connectedness.

  • For example, if a salesperson is paid a 10% commission of the sales they make in a day and they make sales worth $1,000 in a day, they are paid a commission of $100.
  • Effective employee benefits solutions, and, when implemented and rolled out correctly, companies can reap huge benefits in terms of higher retention, productivity, and attracting talent.
  • I always talk about how these moments of recognition are stories that organizations can collect and use to connect people to the purpose and values of the organization.
  • It reports that insurance and health make up the two highest expenditures aside from wages – 8.7% and 8.2%, respectively.
  • If you are interested in learning more about how Preciate can help improve your company culture and motivate your employees, contact us about Social Presence today.
  • A simple example is from James, one of our Customer Success Managers in the UK.

Show your employee that you appreciate the important moments in their lives and that taking a day off to celebrate themselves is both encouraged and supported. After over a year of living in a Covid-restricted world, everyone is certainly more than ready for a long overdue getaway. Blueboard can help you find the perfect trip package to reward your employees.

Financial and Non-Financial Incentives

Financial incentives not only raise employee morale but also increase productivity. This is because employees will always strive to exceed their bosses’ expectations in order to receive a bonus. If you’re new to the concept of incentives, what you may not know is that there’s a difference between monetary and non-monetary incentives. They obviously differ in form, but they also differ in how they’re perceived by employees.

  • This is a good example of how a non-monetary benefit can lead to innovation, highly engaged employees, and great business results.
  • This type of incentive gauges the direct contributions of corporate executives in reaching the company’s predetermined earnings targets as well as return on equity .
  • If a company offers someone a position, their compensation is their pay , benefits such as medical, dental, and vision, retirement account, and more.
  • This doesn’t have to be an expensive undertaking, especially if you have experienced employees in your workforce who have knowledge and capabilities they can pass on to their colleagues.
  • Layoffs, stressful work conditions, ever-increasing demands, unappreciative bosses, and unsupportive peers contribute to employee disengagement.
  • Even as an adult, there’s just something about a trophy that immediately fills you with a sense of pride.

Financial incentive pertains to those incentives which are in the form of money or can be measured in monetary terms. This is sometimes referred to as monetary benefit offered to consumers, employees, and organizations to encourage behavior or actions which otherwise would not take place. Of course, an employer may also offer non-monetary compensation in exchange for the use of the employee’s labor. These are often referred to as benefits and refer to things like health insurance coverage, sick leave, childcare, or retirement matching. While these benefits do have a value, they do not consist of money given to the employee and are therefore considered non-monetary. Tips are irregular compensation means to an employee granted to them by the customer at will. Therefore, tips are a unique form of monetary compensation because they are not compensated by the employer to the employee for providing labor but by the customer who the employee serves.


Compensation is classified into monetary and non-monetary compensation means. Monetary compensation is categorized into wages, overtime wages, salaries, commission, piece work rate, bonus, stock options, profits gains, and tips. Out of the various types of monetary compensation, salary is the only type that is not based on a variable unit. This is because it is paid as a fixed amount where the employee is not paid less or more. This makes it the most predictable and stable form of compensation because it does not vary but is fixed over a fixed period. Tips are also unique from the other types because they are not paid by the employer to the employee but by the employer’s customer. Non-monetary compensation refers to the benefits that employees receive from employers but are not in the form of money.

What are the 5 non-monetary reward types?

  • An Extra Day Off. Work-life balance is the need of the hour, adding to that getting an extra off apart from the weekend means everything to an employee.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements.
  • Autonomy.
  • Providing Extensive Training Offers.

The key is to make learning experiences more interactive, real, and actionable. A regular 1-on-1 between a manager and their employees can also be an ideal moment to ask people for their feedback, discuss performance and projects. In any case, giving your employees time to volunteer for a charity of their choice is a non-monetary incentive that many of them appreciate and that also gives back (to the community, the world, etc.). The sky literally is the limit here with some companies offering their people a once-in-a-lifetime trip when they’ve achieved a certain milestone. Peer recognition can come in many shapes and sizes; from simply saying thank you and post-it notes to custom emojis on Slack to points or badges and so much more. As an added bonus, it’s also a great way to encourage people to live the company’s values. Probably the best-known example of a company giving its employees time to work on their personal projects is Google.

Non-Cash Rewards

Again, Employers can offer cash rewards to employees with the best suggestions just to encourage more input in terms of positive ideas that improve sales, production, What is non-monetary reward? definition and meaning orperformance. Some of these include health insurance, retirement plans, flexible hours, paid leave, and even discounts on products and services.

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Posted: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 16:05:00 GMT [source]